Monday, July 21, 2014

Modern First Library

I just had to share this fun idea for children's books. The BookPeople of Austin Texas have launched a new initiative they are calling Modern First Library. While you might initially think of first editions, what BookPeople is really providing are children's book starter sets.

Perfect for baby showers and birthdays, the 'sets' are three or four books grouped together under a common theme. What I most enjoy is that the books aren't just the latest and greatest hits, but classics and books you may not have heard about before. For example, one of my favorite sets is "Big Personalities, Small Packages''. Books here include 'Olivia', 'Nino Wrestles the World', and 'Where the Wild Things Are'. Two of the books you most likely have read, or seen around frequently, and one is probably newer to you. Other sets I am digging include "Goodnight, Sleep Tight!'' and ''Girls Who Dream Big!''.

image via

I love what BookPeople is doing! I still remember my favorite picture books as a kid, and I know that what I read to my Baby Girl will stay with her as she grows up. Reading books with a broader perspective is a fantastic way to set the stage for growing up into a globally responsible adult. And not just 'little kids' (ages birth-5), but 'big kids' (6-older!) can get a lot out of reading picture books!! Let's be honest, we never truly stop reading picture books, evidenced by the growing graphic novel genre.

Throughout the month of August on the BookPeople blog, they will be having guest posts that focus on this idea of building a child's first library. Check out this post by author Chris Barton for the basics, author Cynthia Leitich Smith talks about her personal viewpoint, and here where she relives a sad memory.

Stop by and read these quick posts and check out The BookPeople's Modern First Library Sets. I hope they get enough recognition and support to continue adding more sets!    

Do you have any children's books that might be considered off the beaten path? Which stories do you remember the most from your childhood?


  1. This is a cool idea! Bundles of books are always great sellers for young kids. :)

  2. It is a fun idea for sure. Hopefully, if the idea catches on, I'd love to see them continue to add other ages as well!
