Friday, May 9, 2014

Life of a Blogger: Bucket List

A wonderful link up with Novel Heartbeat

I skipped last week :(( So the last time I linked up we were talking about our favorite foods. This week I am going to cover last week's topic: BUCKET LISTS.

I have a good pin board of some Bucket List items (also check here for what's been accomplished!). The list that I am going to provide here is by no means exhaustive! Instead it is a small smattering of what I would like to accomplish before I kick the bucket.

1. Visit Hawai'i
2. Tour Italy
3. Drink in a pub in Ireland
4. Go on (another) missions trip
5. Write a story
6. Write a children's book for Baby Girl
7. Finish a Wreck This Journal
8. Get a tattoo
9. Put Together a family cookbook
10. Raise children together with my BFF <3

How short! But do-able. I think Bucket List items should be things I can, and am WILLING, to actually accomplish. I'm all practical like that :) 

Thanks friends for stopping by today! What's on your bucket list??


  1. Great bucket list! It's nice to have things we really want to do and actually smile as we tick each one off!

    Check out my post for this week's topic!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  2. Thanks for stopping by Katrina. it's a short list, but a good one :)

  3. Good list, and a fun topic to think about! I hadn't heard of the Wreck This Journal, but it sounds like fun. I can't say that getting a tattoo would be on my list. :) My list would include learning to cook or bake something I haven't mastered, but I'm not sure what I'd put at the top of the list.

  4. The Wreck This Journals are pretty fun. Honestly, it could be something you could create on your own, but I just love the way it opens up my creative juices!
