Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Daring Sacrifice {Review}

A Daring Sacrifice (An Uncertain Choice, #2)
A Daring Sacrifice by Jody Hedlund
An Uncertain Choice #2
Visit the Author's website HERE
Publisher: Zondervan
Publishing Date: March 1, 2016
In a reverse twist on the Robin Hood story, a young medieval maiden stands up for the rights of the mistreated, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. All the while, she fights against her cruel uncle who has taken over the land that is rightfully hers. Forced to live in the woods and hide with the poor people she's grown to love, she works to save and protect them, but she never anticipates falling in love with the wealthy knight who represents all she's come to despise.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Buy a copy today!  

My Thoughts:
I am a lucky girl being on the launch team for both this book and it's predecessor, "An Uncertain Choice". These books are a true delight, breaking the 'Christian' YA scene wide open. "A Daring Sacrifice" tackles just that, sacrifices and relationship and how the former is so important for the latter. 

I like this theme: sacrifice. It's what all good relationships have to be based on. Sir Collin and Lady Juliana fit together like macaroni and cheese. She was tough as nails, brave, and hardworking for all those who relied on her. Sir Collin lives the life of opulence and seems to be a kind of playboy. I just don't think he understood that having such riches should also come with responsibilities. Luckily, Juliana popped into his life and gave him a bit of direction.

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Their romance is capital 'A' Adorable. They banter back and forth like an old married couple. Together, they show the other what they have been missing. Sir Collin fell for Juliana a bit quickly I thought considering he has that flirtatious past, but although Juliana was relieved to have someone strong to rely on again, she doesn't admit her feelings for quite some time. Overall then, it felt realistic and true to the events of the plot.

There was a LOT I enjoyed about the ending that I don't want to share for fear of spoilers. Just know that the end was full of action and dreamy romance. Author Hedlund isn't shy about sharing gory details (thinking missing thumbs), but why hide what was very true of the times? Writing in the medieval time frame also allows for, I believe, more romantic language and gestures. So yes, prepare for some dreamy, swoon worthy confessions between Sir Collin and Juliana.

Two slight reservations: First, I missed having the three knights together. Seeing more of Sir Derek and Sir Bennett would have been a real treat. They are both mentioned but it would have been such a treat to have them featured more solidly. Second, I felt the story could have used a bit more 'true to the time period' history, like Melanie Dickerson novels. BUT that is just because I am spoiled by her excellent research and attention to detail. Hedlund sticks with her dreamy romances and fast paced action, and it totally works.

Should you read this? Most definitely. If you like strong female characters who aren't afraid of noble (adorable) men, with a strong hand pour of medieval times and a dash of Robin Hood, "A Daring Sacrifice" is the perfect fit. 5 stars. 

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