An Uncertain Choice by Jody Hedlund
An Uncertain Choice Book #1
Visit the Author's website HERE
Publisher: Zondervan
Publishing Date: March 3, 2015
Due to her parents' promise at her birth, Lady Rosemarie has been prepared to become a nun on the day she turns eighteen. Then, a month before her birthday, a friend of her father's enters the kingdom and proclaims her parents' will left a second choice. If Rosemarie can marry before the eve of her eighteenth year, she will be exempt from the ancient vow.
Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the cloister is the best place after all. If only one of the knights the one who appears the most guilty had not already captured her heart.
Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the cloister is the best place after all. If only one of the knights the one who appears the most guilty had not already captured her heart.
I received a copy of this book from the author via the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Buy a copy today!
My Thoughts:
Hedlund has successfully crossed into the YA realm with her newest novel 'An Uncertain Choice'. I am glad that she choose to stick with her strengths as well: historical romance. Our story is set in medieval Renaissance times. It felt thoroughly researched, but not overly so which fits YA best. And with three knights vying for our MC's heart, there was plenty of romance!
From the synopsis you can guess that the romance is going to be a bit quick, and a bit complicated. Normally, that would bother me, but here in the situation and these events, it works. Even though it isn't a long story, it felt like Rosemarie had plenty of time to choose and get to know the knights. And really, I can't see how she could go wrong.
The only frowny face I can give 'UC' is that Rosemarie's love interest is quite apparent right from the beginning. There is a little back and forth and she doesn't trust her emotions fully, but I don't think that anyone would be truly surprised by her choice.
But that dramatic ending! The action and events that make up the climax, I think, more than make up for any lack of surprise. It was intense, scary (somewhat gruesome), and wholly romantic. For me, 'UC' was everything a medieval love story should be all about: romance, chivalry, honor, and happy endings.

About Jody Hedlund:
Jody Hedlund is the bestselling author of seven novels, including Captured By Love, Rebellious Heart, and A Noble Groom, winner of the 2014 Carol Award and INSPYs Award. She received a bachelor’s from Taylor University and a master’s from University of Wisconsin, both in social work. Currently she makes her home in Midland, Michigan, with her husband and five busy children.
Contact Jody:
Or you're welcome to email
me at: jodyhedlund@jodyhedlund.com
-HI JODY! :D After writing for the adult
market, why did you decide to transition to young adult books?
I have five
children and three of them are now teens. That means that over the past few
years I've ended up reading a lot of books in the Young Adult genre not only to
stay abreast of what my kids are reading, but also to have discussions about
the topics and world views within the books.
All that to
say, I've fallen in love with reading YA books! Naturally, as I've fallen in
love with reading them, I had to consider the possibility of writing them. And
while I have a lot of other things going on my publishing career, I decided I
wanted to make this move into YA now while I still had teens at home to read my
books (and give me feedback!).
-Are you working on the next book in the series?
Yes! I'm excited about the second book
in the series. It's already written and I'm in the process of getting ready to
turn it in to my editor in order to get her expertise feedback. As I mentioned
it will involve another one of the three knights. But of course, I won't give
away which of the knights until closer to the release of the book! (How's that
for a tease!)
-If you could tell readers one thing about An Uncertain Choice, what
would it be?
It's never too early to begin thinking
about and praying for our future spouses. Next to making the decision about
where to spend eternity, the choice of whom we marry is second in importance.
It's a decision for good or bad that can impact the rest of our lives,
especially since God intends for us to live with our marriage partner for as
long as we have breath. So we definitely want to be wise with the crucial
choice of a mate.
It's my prayer that An Uncertain Choice will be more than just another entertaining
love story, but will also be a catalyst to help young women begin to think
wisely about one of the most important decisions they'll ever make.
-Why do you write?
I write
because I love telling stories. I love the quote by Toni Morrison because it
sums up part of why I write: "If
there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you
must write it." Essentially I write the stories that I LOVE to read!
Of course there are other, deeper reasons I write too. But that's one of the
main ones.
-What essential ingredients do you strive for
in your novels to ensure an authentic love story emerges?
I always try
to incorporate the elements that I like to see in the romances I read. That
includes deep emotions that are birthed out of a character's past. I also like
to have a relationship that evolves organically throughout the book. I try not
to have my characters being antagonistic to one another the whole book and then
finally falling in love in the last chapter at the last minute. I want the
couple to move from friendship to falling in love gradually and to have a
growing attraction (with the sparks flying!) throughout the book.
At the same
time, however, I don't like to have the love relationship resolve too early in
the book. Readers don't want the "happily-ever-after" moment to come
until the end. So while the relationship is developing, it's important to find
ways to keep the couple from being fully together until the end.
Thanks Jody! Check out the blog tour here and make sure to stop by March 20th where I get to introduce Sir Derrick!
Sometimes the girl in us just likes to enjoy a good princess read. What would you recommend??
Sometimes the girl in us just likes to enjoy a good princess read. What would you recommend??

I guess I didn't even think of the Bachelor until later, but I've also never watched the show. I love author interviews as well! I would love to be able to know the inspiration behind so many books and so many characters!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your lovely review and hosting me for an interview! I appreciate all of your support, Alyssa!
ReplyDeleteI only hope I can do Sir Derrick justice next Friday! Thanks for coming by Jody!
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting! I haven't read any of her adult books, but I like the fact the ending surprised you when it seemed like the story was predictable. I love books like that!
ReplyDeleteMe too! I like knowing certain, happy elements, but having others being a dramatic surprise! If you like that as well, check this one out!